Since 2005, CACR has been providing consultation and resources to the Almaty Oblast of Kazakhstan.  CACR works with local administrators and officials to develop agrarian infrastructures, placing an emphasis on education, public health, and celebration of customs and traditions.


CACR is committed to offering education assistance to the Almaty oblast.  CACR provides students and their schools with needed resources to help with their education needs through the "Road to School" program.  Likewise consultation to schools and language learning centers on English education allows CACR to impact the future of students and teachers.

English Camps


Road to School


Providing the basic needs of a person allows them to reach their potential in other areas of life and for this their health is a basic need.   CACR assists individuals identify healthy choices by supporting and sponsoring sports clubs and activities.  We know that children have the chance to stay healthier if they are provided with cold weather clothing.  Medical clinics provide much needed resources, general preventative education and assists those with greater need in accessing treatment resources.


Coats and Boots

Sports and Lifestyle


New Year's 

Victory Day

Other Holidays


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